It all began very simply - with an idea.

As a mom to two energetic sports enthusiasts, navigating the snack scene for my kids' teams had become a regular gig. But with all the options out there, from cheesy Cheetos to flashy Takis, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing—nutrition! So, I decided to roll up my sleeves and dive into the kitchen to whip up some snacks that were both tasty and packed with goodness.
As I juggled my tech job and mom duties,  I squeezed in time to play mad scientist in the kitchen. I found inspiration in the stories of fellow dreamers on podcasts like "How I Built This." Their tales of turning passion into profit kept me going when I felt like this was just a little side hobby.
With a little help from entrepreneurial communities and a whole lot of hustle, I dove headfirst into the world of snack entrepreneurship. And that's when I stumbled upon my snack-making secret weapon—the Water Lily seed, also known as Makhana or Foxnuts. Originating from a superfood plant packed with micronutrients, anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidants, and Ayurvedic healing properties, I knew this was the ingredient that would bring nutrition to snacking which is often equated to junk food.

At Humble Bites, I aim to Make Snacking the Best Decision of Your Day using little-known ingredients, such as the prickly water lily seed.